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Mangoes Shopping Guide

Welcome to the wonderful world of mangoes! If you’re looking for a delicious, juicy and healthy snack option, nothing beats fresh mangoes. But, if you’re new to the mango game, it can be tricky to know what to look for when shopping for mangoes. Here is a beginner's guide to mango shopping.

When selecting mangoes, the first thing to consider is ripeness. There are a few different ways to check for ripeness. First, you can gently press the skin of the mango with your fingers. If the mango gives slightly, then it is ripe and ready to eat. You can also smell the stem end of the mango. If it has a sweet aroma, it is likely ripe and ready to eat. Finally, you can look at the color of the skin. Ripe mangoes will typically be yellow or orange in color.

Next, you should check the size of the mango. Mangoes are usually available in a variety of sizes ranging from small to large. It’s important to select a size that suits your needs. For example, if you’re making a mango salsa, you’ll want to select smaller mangoes. On the other hand, if you’re eating mangoes as a snack, you might want to select larger mangoes.

Finally, you should inspect the mango for any visible blemishes. Make sure the mango is free from bruises, cuts, or other damage. These types of blemishes indicate the mango may not be fresh and could affect the taste.

Now that you know how to shop for mangoes, you’re ready to enjoy this delicious fruit!

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