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Shortening & Lard Shopping Guide

Whether you’re a home cook or a professional, it’s important to know the basics of shortening and lard when it comes to baking and cooking. Here is a beginner's guide to shopping for shortening and lard.

When selecting shortening, look for cost-effective options that are 100% vegetable fat, such as solidified vegetable oil. Shortening is ideal for baking cookies and pastries that need a light, flaky texture. It can also help to make frostings smoother.

When selecting lard, pick a quality brand made from pork fat. Avoid bleached lard at all costs – it has very little nutritional value. Lard is perfect for deep-frying or baking savory pastries like pies that require a flaky crust. It is also great for making dishes such as tamales and refried beans.

In general, both shortening and lard should be stored in an airtight container and kept in a cool, dark place. Check labels carefully to ensure the product has not expired. Also, check out organic and non-GMO options if those are important to you.

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